In October, Bernie Vinzani and Tessa Mellas were kind enough to bring me up to the University of Maine Machias to work with students in their unique English, Creative Writing, and Book Arts undergraduate program. I met with students one-on-one to discuss their writing, demonstrated typesetting to the book arts class, and Bernie and I designed and printed broadsides for selected student poems. I handset type for some of the broadsides, using type from UMM's collection, which we printed on site. I digitally designed for others so that Bernie and I could hand make paper for those. I was very impressed with the quality of thought and intention that Machias students put into their work.
UMM has gorgeous facilities to support unique coursework, including letterpress printing, papermaking, bookbinding, and electronic publishing. I was so grateful to get a chance to visit.
Poem by Sam Hemenway